Thursday, January 20, 2011

My present to self

Today would be my due date of the son I lost. I woke up and it was a weird feeling because I felt like there should be no more pain but it hurts differently but it hurts. I decided to not be unproductive today so today for me I decided to adopt a whole different lifestyle of eating. I have PCOS, diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol lol yeah all of it. So I decided to take charge of my health and get myself together. That is my present to myself. I needed to do this awhile but I am stubborn. I like sugar I LOVE all carbs which basically turns into sugar lol. But do i love it enough to die for it? This is the question I had to ask myself while I was crying over my loses and not feeling my gains. So today I am going to go home and take my before picture and heck no I am not showing it until I have some progress lol. I am more focused on health than weight though. Losing weight is a benefit and if that happens I am cool with that too