Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dr. Maya Angelou

Love Liberates

"I am grateful to have been loved and to be loved now and to be able to love, because that liberates. Love liberates. It doesn't just hold—that's ego. Love liberates. It doesn't bind. Love says, 'I love you. I love you if you're in China. I love you if you're across town. I love you if you're in Harlem. I love you. I would like to be near you. I'd like to have your arms around me. I'd like to hear your voice in my ear. But that's not possible now, so I love you. Go.'" — Dr. Maya Angelou

Love would eliminate so many issues in the world. That along with respect would make us try to be better but also want humankind to be better. We would reach higher without worry of judgment or doubt because the rights everyone should have may come into play. Our children would have parents that would not think about disappearing, the divorce rate would go down because if you love and respect the other person people wouldn't have motive. The media would broadcast inspiration and stories to build instead of so many sad stories and stuff to promote stereotypes. Love