Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Moment of Silence for Daddy

A moment to take it in that I will never see your eyes open again. A moment to catch my breath because it felt like my heart stopped with yours. Why did the spirit hint to me it was coming? Why 2 days before did I post tons of pictures of you on FB because I missed you. My spirit knew because we are connected. I am the daughter with your birthmark, the one who followed you endlessly. Now I have to take a moment. I have to rebuild because I feel broken. I have to breathe because the sorrow is suffocating me. I just want my Daddy is what my spirit cries. I want you here but you have been freed. God thought it was time, your heart was tired and now it is good bye. You never held me back from soaring so now I need to let you soar guilt free. You have to spread your wings and soar to the heavens..they need another angel. I find myself watching the wind sway the tress because I feel you there, I see you in the sunset, the stars..the moon. The wind blows and I feel your embrace and you saying its ok and you are surrounded by perfect love and you deserve that because you were perfect. The perfect Daddy for me.

I am stepping away taking care handling my business trying to live because I know that honors you and your wishes. I am taking a moment to be me. To take my wings and fly here on Earth and represent being an extension of you and you are an extension of God. You taught me my first solo and this is my second solo standing on my own for you and for me.