Thursday, January 6, 2011

I only cater to those who celebrate me

"I only cater to those who celebrate other words "f*ck a hater, they get no thought"

I saw this on twitter and ooo it sounded like I am feeling. People think they can hate and hate for no reason except their own personal issues and you are still suppose to waste your time on them. I am in agreement that everyone is not to be on the same journey as me, thats life I respect that. I respect someone who says the truth of how they feel and they keep on pushing doing there thing, thats being grown. What I do not respect is people who have no idea who you are but want to sound off on your life. I personally have a GREAT support system, my bullshit blockers, the ones who have x-ray vision when my judgment is cloudy. I have a team and am my own star player as Katt Williams would say. My biggest pet peeve is people who want to know your biz but not be an active part of your life. It is like you have the nerve to ask questions about my life but where the hell you been?

I have learned all in all though the best way to combat bullshit is with the truth. Its the antidote. The cure to the epidemic of lameness sweeping the Nation.