Saturday, January 29, 2011

Tank- I can't make you love me

Thursday, January 27, 2011

13 Sure Fire Ways to Raise Your Consciousness
by Henri Junttila

13 Sure Fire Ways to Raise Your Consciousness

Raising your consciousness means raising your vibration or your energy. The higher it is, the lighter and more at peace you feel.

Think back to one of those days where everything went effortlessly. Work was seemingly a piece of cake, conversations went great, and your relationships just shined. Everything was going so well that you broke into song and smiled to everyone you met. Can you remember a day like this?

Obviously, we aren't always this way. There are days when everything looks a shade darker. Where simple conversations are a struggle. It’s easy to get caught in those moods but if you find a way to calm yourself long enough to refocus your brain and emotions, it's possible to reverse the day.

Life is about doing what you love and following your heart. There’s a reason why you’re here. You may or may not know what it is, and that’s okay. One day you will.

We’ve been taught to strive, pursue and consume. It's a never-ending cycle. That’s ending now, because you are enough and everything is okay, even if it may not seem like that in the short-term.

Here are thirteen sure-fire ways of raising your consciousness:
  1. Simplifying
    Eliminate stuff, clear away clutter and clean your home. The more stuff you have, the more burdened your mind will be. Getting rid unnecessary stuff may at first go against everything you know, but when you’ve done it, you’ll see the benefit.

  2. Deliberate Action
    Taking specific action and moving forward even when you’re afraid, frustrated and confused will give you clarity. It’s counter-intuitive to keep going if you feel fear, but realize that your lizard brain is always trying to protect you from the unknown. Embrace the unknown, fear and confusion. Take deliberate action.

  3. Uplifting Music
    Finding music that empowers, enlightens and uplifts is different from person to person, which is why you have to experiment. Some days I listen to the groovy beats of reggae, other times I get a boost out of listening to the carefully orchestrated symphonies of classical music. Music has a profound effect on our consciousness, so use it wisely.

  4. Exercise
    Moving your body is an ingredient that is missing from many people’s lives today. It doesn’t have to be hard. It doesn’t even have to be boring. Find what you think is fun. The important thing is that you do it regularly. I like martial arts. What do you like?

  5. Being Kind
    When you are generous, you can feel your heart expanding. You don’t have to volunteer or travel to Africa to be kind. You can be kind by helping someone over the street, or just giving people a simple smile as you’re strolling down the sidewalk on an especially gloomy day.

  6. Meditation
    You can meditate by sitting, walking or doing. There are no rules that limit you. Your body is different from mine, which is why you have to find what brings you joy. When you raise your consciousness, you feel lighter, happier and more at peace. Meditation can be done while doing the dishes, reading, walking or looking at a candle. There are no limitations.

  7. Singing
    While I am not a huge fan of singing, it does raise your consciousness dramatically. The next time you’re feeling down, try putting on an uplifting tune and singing along. Act like there’s nobody left on earth and just let it rip.

  8. Nature
    Being out in nature is relaxing for a reason. We have a symbiotic relationship with mother earth. If you want tangible proof; be aware of your inner body while touching a tree. You will feel a calming, loving energy come through. All things on this blue planet of ours are imbued with energy. Go for a stroll in the park, sit below a tree, or have a picnic.

  9. Having Fun
    Watch a comedy, go out with your closest friends or sit down with a good book. Depending on the day, having fun means different things for me. As I am writing this, I am doing what I am passionate about, which is writing and losing myself in words. It fills me with joy and I love it.

  10. Animals
    Did you know that just being around a dog or a cat has health benefits? Being around animals is calming, because they live in the now. They have no concept of time, because time in and of itself does not really exist. It’s an out-there concept, but even scientists know this.

  11. Being Present
    Nothing beats being fully in the now. This can mean focusing on your breath, observing your thoughts or being present in your body, feeling all of your muscles, tendons and ligaments moving and working together. The more present you are, the more joy you will feel. Stop thinking about the past and future for a second and just be. There is nothing more uplifting than that.

  12. Eating Healthy
    Food is one of our greatest enemies when it comes to our health. We’ve been eating processed, unhealthy foods for several decades now, and it shows. More people are sick now than ever before. Eating healthy, vegan foods has been proven to reverse heart disease, increase mental faculties, improve energy levels and on the list goes. Be mindful of what you eat.

  13. Following Your Passion
    Last, but definitely not least, if you want to raise your consciousness and your vibration, you have to do what you love. Finding your passion isn’t easy, but what other options are there? I will either follow my passion, or die trying. When you have that attitude, you will succeed sooner or later. Your life is in your hands. You are responsible, so start taking control and begin living the life you want to live.


I've learned I do not always have the answers but I am seeking them. I have learn perception is an interesting concept especially more when I use my camera. What I see the camera sometimes exposes something different. It is like looking through someone elses eyes at times, Sometimes good sometimes bad but always different. I find this an amazing concept that is baseline knowledge but when you embrace it, it's all a matter of perception you understand that everyone sees you differently. What important though is how do you see yourself? The rest is THEIR problem.

Maya Angelou's Phenomenal Woman by Islandbreed 0001

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Night Owl

I have been writing and honestly it feels good but it is work. The brain has a story to be told and you want the reader to get it. It is late and I am honestly exhausted at this point but I couldn't stop writing. Although today it is being used as a distraction of other negativeness going on. It is really crazy how refocus helps you out enough to get by. My brain was trying to go there and tonight my body didn't want to. My mind didn't feel like crying so I wrote and just continued writing until there was no more in me to do. It is called learning how to cope. Now sleep is important because I need to act like I do have a job to get up for LOL.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

God I see you

I love connecting with people who have an open mind. People who want to explore their truths and not just believe what they were taught but instead open to examine. Everyone needs to examine God (or by whatever title you choose). God wouldn't want us to believe in Him simply because the preacher said so. he would want us to experience what we truly believe or not. It is part of worshiping in spirit and in truth. What is your truth? What happens when you close your eyes and not what you can see but what faith tells you. What truths have you uncovered that you ignore because it messes with what you were taught or because it doesn't suite your image.
No matter what truth you uncover let it be your truth. Walk in it, bathe in it and be free. Look in the mirror and see God. Inhale...exhale.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Be patient with me

What do you do when you want to scream but you know the walls are thin and you worry about everyone elses ears? What about when your heart races in the middle of the night the whole house is asleep and you wake up with tears and a fear in you although you do not remeber the dream? What about those days when life has you tired for a moment you need to catch your breath but everyone else thinks your fine so you go with it?
These are real question I have had for awhile and truth is no one can answer them for me. I have to keep it real with myself and find those answers. I have to find a way because I am really angry. I do not remember feeling this before not sure why it has come now? The stages of grief has been listed as

  • Denial (this isn't happening to me!)
  • Anger (why is this happening to me?)
  • Bargaining (I promise I'll be a better person if...)
  • Depression (I don't care anymore)
  • Acceptance (I'm ready for whatever comes)
I cannot say in that order at least for me but the anger sometimes is a handful and I feel like no one gets it. I want the clock to turn back although I know its out of my hands. That pisses me off. I want to touch my Daddys face, hear his voice, ANYTHING but there is nothing and I am forced without choice to move on. The World is still going and everything is still day to day. It is hard to grasp the concept of a World without him and yet I either lie down and die or live...there is no plan C and that pisses me off. The fact that I feel lost sometimes pisses me off. The only way I can get through this is through honesty and courage. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day, either way today. Not too good and thats ok.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Brian Mcknight - Still In Love

I hear this song and think of my husband the one who stood by me. Been my best friend for over 20 years. Never thought I would fall because we were best friends and kids. One day I came to realization that had fallen a long time ago and out spirits were connected. This man I love. So good, devine.


Maya Angelou "Laugh" from Omega Institute on Vimeo.

I remeber a time in my life where nothing was funny. I could sit and watch any comedy people cracking up around me and all I could think is about my pain. I was trapped and being told i wasn't enough. I was treated as if my Creator made a mistake and I accepted that it might be true all for the love of a man. The man I loved at the time turned out to be an illusion of what I thought was. Love does not hurt. Love is beautiful and it builds. Love helps you overcome. Love is not something you settle for but instead it simply is LOVE. When we breathe we breathe out love. With that love comes peace and with peace allowance to feel joy. Joy carries the laughter and now I crack up everyday. Freedom

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Home - Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros Acoustic Cover (Jorge & Alex...

She makes me smile..tooo cute

My present to self

Today would be my due date of the son I lost. I woke up and it was a weird feeling because I felt like there should be no more pain but it hurts differently but it hurts. I decided to not be unproductive today so today for me I decided to adopt a whole different lifestyle of eating. I have PCOS, diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol lol yeah all of it. So I decided to take charge of my health and get myself together. That is my present to myself. I needed to do this awhile but I am stubborn. I like sugar I LOVE all carbs which basically turns into sugar lol. But do i love it enough to die for it? This is the question I had to ask myself while I was crying over my loses and not feeling my gains. So today I am going to go home and take my before picture and heck no I am not showing it until I have some progress lol. I am more focused on health than weight though. Losing weight is a benefit and if that happens I am cool with that too

Steve Harvey Tears Up On CNN Talking About Losing A Generation Of Young ...

People using their money or time to impact a childs life for the better even if one child is affected that one child can impact the World. Become doctors, lawyers, humanitarians and pass it on. Life is a swift journey you can make your mark by helping other children see their beauty. See the gangs is not for them. See that life in itself is worth living and to live it to the fullest not simply exist.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fantasia Lady Marmalade

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dr. Maya Angelou

Love Liberates

"I am grateful to have been loved and to be loved now and to be able to love, because that liberates. Love liberates. It doesn't just hold—that's ego. Love liberates. It doesn't bind. Love says, 'I love you. I love you if you're in China. I love you if you're across town. I love you if you're in Harlem. I love you. I would like to be near you. I'd like to have your arms around me. I'd like to hear your voice in my ear. But that's not possible now, so I love you. Go.'" — Dr. Maya Angelou

Love would eliminate so many issues in the world. That along with respect would make us try to be better but also want humankind to be better. We would reach higher without worry of judgment or doubt because the rights everyone should have may come into play. Our children would have parents that would not think about disappearing, the divorce rate would go down because if you love and respect the other person people wouldn't have motive. The media would broadcast inspiration and stories to build instead of so many sad stories and stuff to promote stereotypes. Love

Transformer Train

I had to add this vid..LOVE IT

Dreary rain yeah go away

What is it about the rain that makes you want to go right back to sleep? It is such a soothing sound as I watch it from my bed trickling down the window. It is not a violent rain but a sweet shower the rhythms constant but R&B slow rhythms. Yesterday was yesterday and those troubles that I had in my mind seem to wash away with every drop I see run down my window and I know that life is good. Take time to clear your mind lay back and listen.

Monday, January 17, 2011


I blackmailed myself yeah you read it right. I miss facebook but I said I will not go on there until my book is finished and out of my hands again. Sad that FB is that fire lol. So sad.
Honestly though I have enjoyed my vacation of being in everyones business because that is all it really is. I am getting to know me all over again. I am ok with the old Lanora evolving just as long as it is for the better. I want my Dad to look down and say "Thats my Sugar Pop's." I want to look in the mirror knowing I feel progress has been made. i do not want the sun to catch me not making progress. That is how to live a stagnant life. I am looking to renovate and rebuild. Create better habit and make better choice while I shoot for the moon and some hits land among the stars, but I want the moon.

The beauty of having children

My kids make me want to be a better person because I want them better. I have to be a better example as a parent in order to be that parent that chooses excellence.
I have to admit my break from social networks and it being more about centering myself, this has been a concern of mines. My children have been through these deaths just like I have and though they seem ok I want to be sure. My daughter is an eater when she is upset and to help her mind and body it is time to implement better habits. My son he is quiet and holds things eternally. At 12 this is normal but he needs an outlet.

I love my kids. They are beautiful examples of Gods creation. They are beautiful. SO in search of self and finding myself I have to also remember my kids and we can all get better together and heal.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

one day at a time

Within those devastating 6 months of 2010, those life changing events that stopped me in my tracks and made me think I just might lose my mind I found strength. Gods strength is made perfect in the time of trouble. Me, I am not perfect but if I was not to give credit to God for his power and wonderful acts I would not be acknowledging how I got through. My husband was and is amazing and has been my best friend since we were in 8th grade 20 years of friendship.

Losing our baby was very hard for me and then almost dying in the process brought a new understanding of life and living it to the fullest 2 months after that Daddy was gone suddenly from a heart attack and I learned how to endure when it feel like you can no longer breathe, I am still working on that one and then 2 months after that my husbands sister who I have know more than half her life passed at 23 and again I had to see death has no respect for age. Now is rebuilding and moving forward to find my center again.

My center has been shifted and my perspective has changed when it comes to life and how you are suppose to make it through. I do not take breathing for granted , not one hug or I love you for granted. But now I have found a new journey to find my center in order to flourish once again and it can be frustrating at times. It is like being reborn and you have these eyes you never used before, Everything is brand new because your prospective has changed. I first found myself simply surviving each day. Functioning like robot because my children had to have an example of moving an and know I am ok. THEY come first but now that my kids are ok it is time to process and it is a lot to process but it is happening maybe slower than I want but you can't rush healing. You have to take your time and reflect, use that negative energy in a positive way and find a way to move forward and learn to breathe again. There are no shortcuts only time.

I cannot say where this journey will lead because it is a day by day affair but I will not let the deaths of others be the death of me. That would be dishonoring life and them. They would want me to move forward. I think about that if it was me my daughter would have the hardest time but I am raising her to understand death is a part of life and that I am always with her. I am her mother. My husband has been a part of me since he was born we were made for each other and my godson, stepson who I love his mother made me is Godmommy when he was born and I will always be that. I would want move forward and I know my Dad would want the same for me because he only wanted the best.Therefore I will live courageously one day at a time

Recycle and in return obtain a treasure

At it is a community effort to give and get free stuff from your town that you could use or that you don't need anymore. Instead of filling up the landfill you would be giving new life into that item. The average household contributed as much as 7.9 pounds of waste per person per day and putting items in the Earht produces toxin in the air, Earth and sea. These effects can be cut down only by watching what we throw away and recycling. Freecycle is entirely non-profit and again its free. So sign up on their yahoo board give and get. You never know what treasures you will find.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Martin Luther King Jr.

Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it.
-Martin Luther King Jr.

You would've been 82 years old today and I want to thank you. I thank you for paving the way even more being one of our martyrs for the cause. One of many that fell and yet you stood strong. Thank you for putting humanity first when it was at such a price. No you were not a perfect man but you were perfectly fitted for the cause. You made a difference and that is why you have a holiday and we thank you. Some still don't understand they do not get why this day is so important to us all not just African Americans but equality makes the World a better place. The right to be treated as humans. We all still struggle but thank you for the progress made. You are loved and appreciated.

What is a wenus?

Can I touch your wenus (wee-nis)?

I heard this on Oprahs Network OWN and busted out laughing like a kid. The researcher in me looked it up and it is something so simple. A wenus is the medical term for elbow particularly the skin on your elbow and that is your strange fact of the day.

Five Guys

Have a burger your way and it is delicious. I am not a fan of hamburger at all but once I tasted my double bacon cheese with grilled onions, grilled mushrooms and A-1 sauce oh don't forget the jalapeno peppers. I was hooked. The patties were perfectly cooked, not dried out and actually had flavor. They have Cajun fries that do not need anything on them because yes they are that good. I am a girl who like s to eat good food, no shame. Therefore I am plugging Five Guys Burger And Fries for locations and to check out their website click here.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Stay woke

I have been listening to this because it captures everything I feel right now. I am on a journey of enlightment. Searching for something new, something inside me. Not wanting to simply to be a student to life but ultimately a teacher. Life is too short to sell yourself short. To sleep on life and your dreams.

I am in the search of something new
(a beautiful world im trying to find)
Searchin' me,
Searching inside of you
And thats fo' real.......

Even though you go through struggle and strife
To keep a healthy life, I stay woke
(I stay woke)
Everybody knows a black or white, there's
Creatures in every shape and size
(I stay woke)

Not trying to ever get comfy enough where i fall asleep. I stay woke.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Moment of Silence for Daddy

A moment to take it in that I will never see your eyes open again. A moment to catch my breath because it felt like my heart stopped with yours. Why did the spirit hint to me it was coming? Why 2 days before did I post tons of pictures of you on FB because I missed you. My spirit knew because we are connected. I am the daughter with your birthmark, the one who followed you endlessly. Now I have to take a moment. I have to rebuild because I feel broken. I have to breathe because the sorrow is suffocating me. I just want my Daddy is what my spirit cries. I want you here but you have been freed. God thought it was time, your heart was tired and now it is good bye. You never held me back from soaring so now I need to let you soar guilt free. You have to spread your wings and soar to the heavens..they need another angel. I find myself watching the wind sway the tress because I feel you there, I see you in the sunset, the stars..the moon. The wind blows and I feel your embrace and you saying its ok and you are surrounded by perfect love and you deserve that because you were perfect. The perfect Daddy for me.

I am stepping away taking care handling my business trying to live because I know that honors you and your wishes. I am taking a moment to be me. To take my wings and fly here on Earth and represent being an extension of you and you are an extension of God. You taught me my first solo and this is my second solo standing on my own for you and for me.

John Legend - Ordinary People

Getting Motivated

I am so not motivated to do anything so I researched and found this article about motivation. I feel it is only right to share because maybe I am not the only one in a rut.

1. Ignore The Unimportant

Learning to ignore is a fantastic lesson. Much more rewarding than you think. There must be an art of ignoring and they should teach it in universities. Spanning your focus in so many areas will only weaken you. Ignoring what’s unimportant will free up energy, foster motivation and help you stay focused and productive.

2. Understand What Makes You Bored

And avoid it. Boredom is a nasty place to be. But as any other state of your being can be understood and you can identify the triggers. Once you understand that, you can safely go away from the gray zone. Takes some time but it really worth the effort.

3. Laugh More Often

Watch comedies, read comics. Throw away that ugly seriousness form your face. Laughing is a safety valve for your stress relief mechanism. It actually let it out from your body in bursts. And while you’re laughing you can still learn new stuff, like personal development lessons from Dumbo.

4. Keep A Log Of Your Breakthroughs

Do you remember when you had the first major success of your life? No? I thought so. We tend to overlook this simple habit of writing down our feelings every time we have a major breakthrough in our lives. If you want the shortest path to motivation, just keep a log of your successes. And get inspired by it.

5. Exercise

This is one the easiest and simplest way to summon motivation. Just walk out from the office, start doing some pushups or just go for a short run around the house. It will instantly declutter your physical body. Every time you exercise, you produce endorphins. Endorphins are good.

6. Create A Custom Environment

You can’t be motivated if you work in an environment which does not represent you. Make changes, adjust, improve. Doesn’t matter if it’s about your job office or your home. Whatever the space you work in, make it yours somehow, that will lower your unconscious adaptation efforts and you’ll have more time dedicated to the actual tasks.

7. Read Success Stories

Like in other people success stories. Get inspired. Admire them (with caution, but do admire them). Reading about success will make it more available to you and will fuel your efforts towards its achievement. And of course, you can learn how to be successful too.

8. Switch Tasks

You will get bored if you work on the same projects for too long. Boredom kills motivation. Try having several small projects that you can land on whenever you feel you’re on the verge of a burn out. Not to mention that switching tasks will instantly create fresh perspectives, helping you solve problems faster.

9. Assess Your Progress

If you work constantly you will make some progress, that’s a rule. You may have the impression that you’re not going anywhere but that’s because you’re skipping all those little milestones you go through every day. Watching back with satisfaction at what you created will surely boost your energy.

10. Talk About Your Projects

With your friends or family. Let the people know you’re doing stuff. That will often make yourself aware of the fact that you’re actually doing stuff and enjoy doing it. It will also create a certain level of accountability that will most likely push you forward.

11. Avoid Energy Vampires

Naysayers, pessimists, braggers they all are sucking up your energy. Don’t get caught in such power games, avoid at all costs those energy leaks. Even if that means you’ll isolate more often. It’s better to do work in your own secluded realm than to try to resist to a diminisihing environment.

12. Write Clear Goals

Most of the time that translates to actually write down your goals, you already have them clear in your mind. But take them out of your mind, put them in a trusted system and move on. Your mind works better when it knows what it has to do not when it spends time figuring what it has to do.

13. Exercise Satisfaction

Once you finished some task, reward yourself. Give yourself a prize. No need to be a huge one, but just enough to create the habit. Look forward to it while you’re working, wait for it, praise for it. In time you’ll become addicted to this fulfillment satisfaction and you won’t stop until you reach it.

14. Accept Failure

As part of the game. Failure, like success, is just a result of your actions, nothing more. One of the biggest motivation enemies is fear of failure. Fear that your outcome will turn bad. Accept it. It may turn bad, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop doing what you’re doing. Give your best and hope for the best.

15. Use Affirmations

Like writing down your intentions, your goals, your current status. Affirmations are a very powerful tool, hugely underrated. People find it awkward to write self-directed messages and read them out loud. News flash: you’re doing this all the time, unconsciously. So why not doing it consciously? Start with a morning phrase.

16. Play Games

Impersonate people. Imitate animals. Pretend you’re Sindbad the Sailor. Playing challenging games will relax your mind and at the same time will gather more resources from secret sources. A good motivation is always blended with joy. You can start with a simple game like how to get from a to b in 5 random steps.

17. Say “No”

Say “no” to distractions, to trolls, to depression. Exercising “no”’s is liberating. Too often too many commitments are making your life a continuous chore. Limit your promises and only get into things you really want to finish. Once you do that, go to a mirror, smile and start to politely exercise your “no”‘s.

18. Look For Positive People

Sadness, whining and complaining doesn’t play well with motivation. On the contrary. But positive, optimistic, energetic people will always shift your vibration in the right direction. Search them, find them and become their friend. Sometimes all you need to get motivated is to be surrounded by shiny happy people.

19. Difficulty Is Part Of The Game

Learn to work under pressure. Some things are more difficult than other. Accept that fact and focus on doing what you have to do not on your feelings of dissatisfaction. Difficulty is often what makes things worth doing. No sweat, no glory. Whenever I feel something is going to be tough, I’m usually more motivated to do it. The reward will be higher.

20. Create Personal Challenges

Personal challenges are short term goals, usually from 15 to 90 days. Like starting to exercise, or creating a habit from scratch in 15 days. Using personal challenges strengthen your inner power the same way exercising is strengthening your muscles. The more you do, the more motivated you feel to do even more.

21. Chose Positive Motivation

Whenever you lock in your motivation, do your best to keep it on the positive side, which is rooted in service. As opposed to the negative motivation, which is basically rooted in fear. Negative motivation works just the same, only it lasts significantly less than positive motivation.

22. Release Your Guardians

You do have guardians and some of them are pretty nasty. They won’t let you do your stuff. The bad thing about your guardians is that most of the time they’re working at the unconscious level, really difficult to interact with. Just accept, acknowledge and let them go. You will be much better off.

23. Enforce Your Personal Mission

You gotta have a personal mission. If you don’t, go find one fast. Reinforcing your personal mission at certain intervals is surely one of the greatest motivators of all. It’s like looking on a map and seeing at any moment where you are, how much do you have to go and which path you have to chose.

24. Spend Time Outside

If you can do something creative, like gardening or landscaping, even better. But it’s ok even if you don’t. Spending time outside of your box will clear the air inside. When you get back, everything will be fresher and shinier. And something fresher is always a nice motivator.

25. Keep A Clean Inbox

That’s one of the few GTD concepts I still use and it proves to be a great motivator. A clean inbox helps a smooth thoughts flow. A smooth thoughts flow let me be in the moment without any hidden burdens. Being in the moment is usually all I need to actually start doing things.

26. Don’t Aim For Perfection

It will soon drain you out. Aiming to be better is the real game. Perfection is a dead end, nothing really happens after you reached to it. Accepting that you can be better instead of perfect leaves some room for growth. And that means you have a reason to do more. And that’s what we usually call motivation, right?

27. Do One Thing At A Time

Multitasking is a myth. Even computers processors aren’t really doing multi-tasking, that’s what we perceive. Instead they have a single frequency and several parallel buses managing information, faking a multi-tasking activity. Multitasking is creating internal conflicts, both in humans and in computers. You end up spending more time solving those conflicts than actually working.

28. Keep A Source Of Inspiring Readings

You’re not always completely down, most of the time you’re just averagish, just one sentence away from your best shape. Be sure to keep around a list of inspiring readings. Quotes, blog posts, ebooks, whatever works for you. You can start with 100 ways to live a better life, for instance.

29. Put On Some Good Music

Just let it there, floating around, don’t turn the volume knob. Just enough to recreate a pleasant atmosphere. Music speaks to areas you can’t control with logical tools, yet is so powerful that can completely shift your mood in a second. The only thing better than silence is good music.

30. Don’t Fall Into The Productivity Trap

It’s not how much you do, but how much of it really matters. Doing stuff just for filling up notebooks with tasks won’t make you feel motivated. On the other side, whenever you’re doing something that matters, your planing and organizing activities will just flow.

31. Keep Your Life Lenses Clean

Your camera objective may be blurred but you don’t know. This is why you get the same picture again and again, this is why feel stuck and can’t seem to see any progress. Sometimes all you have to do is to clean up your lenses. It takes a little bit of courage but it’s worth the trouble.

32. Clean Up Your House

I know you need motivation for that too, but believe me, it’s a fantastic way to clean up your internal garbage. Cleaning up your house is not a chore, it’s a necessity. Your action paths may be clogged the same way your floor is sticky. And most of the time unsticking the floor will open your mind again.

33. Stop Reading This And Get To Work

It was fun reading it, I’m sure. But it won’t get things done in your place. Inspiration is a good motivator, but don’t abuse it. Now, that you are all energized, it’s time for you to get back to work. Of course, you can bookmark this post for future motivation sessions, but for now, just go back to work.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Other 100 Greatest Movie Insults of All Time

I only cater to those who celebrate me

"I only cater to those who celebrate other words "f*ck a hater, they get no thought"

I saw this on twitter and ooo it sounded like I am feeling. People think they can hate and hate for no reason except their own personal issues and you are still suppose to waste your time on them. I am in agreement that everyone is not to be on the same journey as me, thats life I respect that. I respect someone who says the truth of how they feel and they keep on pushing doing there thing, thats being grown. What I do not respect is people who have no idea who you are but want to sound off on your life. I personally have a GREAT support system, my bullshit blockers, the ones who have x-ray vision when my judgment is cloudy. I have a team and am my own star player as Katt Williams would say. My biggest pet peeve is people who want to know your biz but not be an active part of your life. It is like you have the nerve to ask questions about my life but where the hell you been?

I have learned all in all though the best way to combat bullshit is with the truth. Its the antidote. The cure to the epidemic of lameness sweeping the Nation.