Thursday, December 30, 2010

Philips Cinema - Parallel Lines - The Gift, by Carl Erik Rinsch

Monday, December 27, 2010

RIP Teena Marie March 5, 1956 – December 26, 2010

Teena Marie singing with her daughter Alia Rose

Yesterday we lost on of the greatest voices of R&B a day after her daughter 19th birthday. Teena Marie was influential to many, her voice used as an instrument in the purest form. Teena Marie , born Mary Christine Brockert nickname Lady T grew up in grew up in the historically African-American enclave of Oakwood, California. Protegée of late funk legend Rick James she is credited with many hits such as If I were a Bell, Square Biz, Cassanova Brown and the sultry hit Portuguese Love.

Influences include
Nancy Wilson, Led Zepplin, Motown, Aretha Franklin, the Supremes, Lena Horne, Minnie Riperton Sarah Vaughn but she has influenced many artists such as Alicia Keys, Mary J, Faith Evans and more who were prompt to send their condolences to her daughter and send words of love for the artists. She was sampled by a number of artists such as Redman, The Fugees, Ludacris, Three Six mafia and Grand Puba.

Funny Story from Teena Marie's unofficial page about her acting up in church (all the greats do is

"Apparently Teena had a will to sing early on. One day at church when she was 2, she heard the priest's chant ("Dominus vobiscum, et cum spiritu tuo"). In trying to emulate the priest's sounds, young Teena belted out Harry Belafonte's "Day-O," and her mother hauled her out of the church underneath her coat."

Personally for me Teena Marie was that artist who I grew up on her music, singing it in the shower. She was a living legend because there is only one. No one sounded like her. She was one that I felt should have gotten more air time. A treasure because her voice would make you feel what she was singing. R&B will mourn her she is a loss, music will mourn her. RIP

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Flower

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Just got my daughter on my mind

It has been an experience to say the least raising a daughter. She is in that tween stage basically and I see how interesting this can be. When she was born she had to fight to survive, she had to use her stubbornness to be born into this world, she came into the world dramatic and that carries on until this day.

Many times I watch her sleep and the responsibility for raising a person that you want to make a contribution to this world and not take away from it is overwhelming but welcomed. I love her spirit she;s fiesty and knows who she is and what she wants..the downsize to that is she will say whatever she feels which can be good and bad. She is a flower child yet fashionista. She looks at life from the perspective of it being so open to possibilities. At this age she is already fussing about Congress and the humanitarian or lack of humanitarian efforts. Injustices piss her off lol.

I love that I have been blessed to have a daughter like her, It can be challenging but she is awesome.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Why people do not see God

People often wonder why there are people who do not believe in God. Maybe it is because they do not see the God in the people claiming Him. Maybe if the churches done more than just stayed to themselves or been involved in their communities. Maybe if the churches actually not only prayed but helped them in this life people would see spirituality and not religion only. Maybe if the sermons weren't focused on clothing but whats inside. If the focus was on God people would see God for themselves.
I know for myself there is a God but as I am getting older and going through I am failing to see the true purpose of the church when it seems to simply assimilate minds into focusing on the wrong things. Praying is great but it is not the only action. God gave us so many things and tools. God is LOVE. Love does not hurt.
Religion vs Spirituality is something people fail to distinguish. Beyond Sunday School and the big hats you have to start to actually do. Something inside is transformed. You begin to LOVE. In Gods Image we are to LOVE one another. Love is not just a word it is an action. I see people going through pain and where is the church..busy teaching about the end times but not bearing the fruit. Its all bark.
This is not ALL churches but majority yes.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Its time to move forward

In my quest of self and rebuilding I have found peace. I think at first after my dad died I was hurt because people did not call come by nothing well at least church people didn't and really neither did fam besides my brothers and sisters mom ofcourse and a few mentionables. I found myself questioning peoples I love you, I wasn't shocked though and now it is ok. I discovered true love and wrapped myself so tight in that the fact of who wasn't calling got deleted from my mind and replaced with the ones that were. It no longer matters because I am at peace.

My Daddy was very special to me. I was his shadow as a kid even when he drove a taxi. I was small about 3 or 4 when we picked up Kool and the Gang not knowing who they were but that they looked cool and loved to pinch my cheeks, my Dad tucked me in every night, Hugged me all the time and always said I love you. I am carrying that inside of me. His teachings, his love, his laughter is all inside of me. In fact we have the same exact birthmark except mines was on my arm and bigger while his was on his leg. I loved him dearly..correction I love him dearly. I will miss him and no I will never stop speaking his name. Herndon Obediah are loved and missed.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Chapter 7 Just listen

Esperanza Spalding

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Looking into the Darkness

“Your willingness to look at your darkness is what empowers you to change.”
Iyanla Vanzant.

The journey that have been on to many truths. It has torn down a lot of beliefs I had which is not a bad thing because truth is truth. I realized people are selfish from all the BS that has been brought to me while morning my father without one person asking "How are you?" but yet bringing me bull and this applies to people in general. But then I have seen a sweet side from people who are complete strangers or associates that sent me a word or a hug and that has shown me HUMANkind.

So as I begin this journey I decided to look inside my soul and get acquainted with me. I looked my fears face on and decided to be courageous. I realized manyt hings I didn't do was because other people said I couldn't or because they wanted to mold me and the truth is I allowed it because I did not have confidence in myself enough to say no. That was when I was younger now as an adult, full grown woman I find myself hungry to do those things and I am going to go for them all no matter how silly they sound because I CAN. Without motive I must move forward and develop the passion inside me for many things. Things can be beautiful when you allow them to be. We were all create with beauty inside of us and if we would just sit back and shine naturally the world would be amazing and people would learn to be kind and respect life.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Chapter 6 Music I am Feeling today

I listen to different types of music but today this is how I feel today. Its not radio music so I hope you can handle that if you are looking at my links. Keep your mind open and you ears might thank you lol.



Flying Lotus



Sunday, October 24, 2010

Chapter 5 Because for so Long I was that Girl

Because for so long I was that girl even though it was a brief time is why sometimes my warning sound like fire. I want to be soft and gentle but I see the car coming and instead of nudging you out the way there are times I may shove.

For my mid teen years I fell in "love" ok now I know it was the challenge of the hunt and the thrill of your first but then it was love. This guy was older, GQ, preppy, stable job, car etc but I liked him because he was different. I want to be the solution to his sadness. We would date off and on, no commitment but plenty of "attention" wined, dined, walks in the park, and well you get the hint. No man had paid me that much attention I mean they did but it was never conversation to feed my mind. My brain was ahead of a lot of the guys my age at 17 I wanted to be part of revolution and change and they were strictly into gettin some. I was reading everything and anything having to do with elevation and they weren't reading to much that came with time. I thought this guy was what I needed. Once I was caught up and he knew it the agenda changed. Suddenly the clothes I had been wearing were too young for him so I turned into Laura on Little House, then my mouth was too big...well it is still lol I do speak my mind, but I became a church mouse. Anything to please him in hoping that he would truly pay attention I mean we were together all the time, he had to love me right. Well further down the line I learned he kept it open because he could get some strange. He hated short hair I put in weave, he hated tall girls I wore flats LOL. He never stopped coming around so it couldn't be to bad but at the time I just wanted to win/ I liked him yes and I thought he loved me so it was only a matter of time. One day he told me he loved me and it was the day I gave him something no one had ever had. I was open to the experience because this was love, being whined and dined and having company all the time. I figured the pickiness was necessary. He knew best right? he was 6 in a half year older, stable job, car and knew everything. I was just thinking about the next high school final. After the gift I gave him though came a surprise to me, he walked away ..not permenatly it is a long story sad ending but still he walked away and he told me he thought I should've know better and guided him spiritually. I was heartbroken when the next Sunday he brought another woman to my family church and I then realized it was all a game. Sounds stupid i know the whole story now that I looked back on it. I have so many do overs and should've but the heart and emotions and especially hormones sometimes make you do dumb things. It was a life lesson and I am not a little girl anymore but I fuss at that little girl asking her "What the hell were you thinking?"

So yes sometimes I sound harsh because life have taught me many lessons and it is all in love, it is all in sharing for those who may have a blond moment. Ladies at all ages are way to precious to deal with being toyed with or abused but it happens everyday. Queens being treated like peasants. I heard Dr Phil say one day "We teach people how to treat us." If we let a man cross the line and he was bold enough to do it the first time he will do it again and again because we gave the ok by doing nothing. You have to direct people in what is ok and what is not. Do not let anyone change you when you were created as a gem. There is nothing wrong with you and most likely it is that person that is trying to lift themselves by putting their boot in your face and holding you down. I discovered this and eventually discovered true love that was in my face the whole time but thats another chapter.

Chapter 4 No Where to Hide

People are always looking for a place to hide. It reminds me of being a kid and knowing you did something wrong, crawling in the space you knew your momma could not find you. The difference now is that we are grown and adults and there is no reason to hide.

There are many places we think people may not be able to see the real us. People hide behind a persona, God, others, while all the time it is a waste because the truth of who you are always comes out. This is not to be a bad thing and shouldn't be shunned but it happens a lot. people look at you funny like it really affects them what you do. The truth is it does. They wish they had the courage to be themselves or the opportunity. They wish that they could take the mask off of day to day and live in the beauty of their own creation. See when you are yourself, you shine. You may not see it but others do. They see the peace and they want the peace. They see you glow and they want that glow. It is like a woman who is unhappy in her marriage for some reason that is always the one that wants everybody married. Its her misery and misery loves company.

Living a lie is slavery. You are bound to a lie and you have to cover that lie with more lies. You dress that lie, you eat that lie you sleep that lie and the next day it starts all over again. Breaking free and being first honest with yourself of who you are secondly treasuring that gem is the first step to freedom and only then can you exhale.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Chapter 3 Outside the box

Some people that are edgy are considered outcast for not being in the bo but edginess opens minds, broadens cultures, being edgy is how new inventions comes about and how Presidents become great, Greatness does not lie in being everyday normal or in the box it lies in us sometimes doing those things that may seem unconventional or what people would think as strange. People become better by marketing what their character has manifested. It is a gift to be unique which is why everyones fingerprints are different. We are all a different make or model. We all having something to offer and I could only imagine the things life would offer. I see day to day how people try to emulate another person but that product has already came out you cannot become a carbon copy. We borrow from our gene pool naturally but no matter how much you look like your momma or daddy or your aunt/uncle etc you are not them you are forever you. Forever beautiful.

We are part of one race human within lies different cultures who believe indifferent Gods, different trends, different ways of eating living etc. It makes a different piece to each puzzle fit beautifully until it transforms into this beautiful mosaic piece of art. You never question the pieces of art looking at the paint on it telling red to become blue. Red is red for a reason it like everything else has its own message, it's own purpose. While questioning other colors we have instead think of our own piece of the puzzle. What are we bringing to the table? We are creating a mosaic of life. We are constantly changing and evolving if we allow people to just be and worry more about ourselves. I never really thought of people like a melting pot but more like a salad where we bring different flavors and textures and when combines its a delicious treat. I mean who just wants a bowl of lettuce? It time we learn to not only embrace or differences but live our lives to the fullest and in the trueness of who we are.

Chapter 2 10.10.10 Vows for Life

10.10.10 turned out to be beautiful. With the loss of my father on September 21st I was not sure if I was going to get through the day. Truth is I cried the night before as I packed his Bible in my bag to take with me. I pulled out something of his a wrapped myself in it to feel close to him and I cried a lot. I talked to him, I talked to God.

That day i woke up to the sun peaking through the window I left the house and the colors of fall were vibrant reds and yellow. The trees swayed and it looked like the most beautiful day I had seen in a long time. My sis Rachel took me to where we would say our vows and I walked into the place were I knew we would stand took a deep breath and peace surrounded me. I didn't miss my dad because I felt him there in the same way as when I saw my sisters walk in. There was no question because I could feel him through the place.

When the time came and my mom took my hand to walk down the aisle and I heard the drums playing (Thank you Ron Hope) I felt excitement to just see my best friend at the end of the aisle waiting for me. I stood at the top of the aisle seeing our family in every way blood or not blood but yet fam and I smiled more than I had in at least two months. You could feel the love throughout the place and I just was like a sponge taking it all in. Finally my grooms eyes meet mine and I see those dimples I hear my mom give me away and feel my dad nodding in agreement. We walk up the stairs and we take each others hands and thats when that feeling began. Its like having permenant butterflies or a fusion of spirits. I looked into his eyes and we spoke with every gesture no words but hey he had been my best friend for over 20 years so ofcourse we could read one another. There were many element incorporated the screamed us. it was what a wedding is suppose to be and on your terms how you express that.

When we were pronounced man and wife I lost people being in the room and only felt my husbands lips and him holding me I felt safe and like we were the only two people in that time space. I looked down later to see our children smiling and happy and it just made it all the more special.

I am thankful to my fam for getting me through that day and bring love. Love heals wounds, Love makes you strong and I couldn't have done it without your help. MOM YOU ARE THE GREATEST, my sisters Candy Dani, Dee, Rachel Your support makes me cry happy tears, Damien you stepped in for daddy without even knowing it by handling business and making sure things were ok.Brian you came late I know the Army had you on lockdown thank you for the effort. My high school friends and middle school Adrian Aaron and all CRACK me up. Daimons fam I love you all and am proud to be a Johnson. Thank you for just supporting Daimon which you all have always done anyway, Just thanks everyone. Thank God definitely Thank God.

Thank you Daddy for so much. Thank you for my cool. I am honored to be Herndon Lee's daughter. I know I have the STRONGEST angel watching over us all.

I still am healing but we will celebrate more soon as I can catch my breath in probably 6 months and you all better come through I love you all if I didn't mention you charge it to my head and not my heart because I am still overwhelmed in a good way and in awe.

And thank you for all the Congrats and well wishes

Photo by J Adams Photography

Our invitation read from one of my favorite authors and it still makes me tear up

Then you rose into my life like a promised sunrise. Brightening my days with the light in our eyes. I've never been so strong. Now I'm where I belong.

-Maya Angelou

Chapter 1 Daddy

I lost my Daddy or Diddy as I called him unexpectedly. It's been over a month but whatever ventures I start will start with a tribute to him. He was a Daddy to me even more than that a example of a man. There are many complexities that made him truly beautiful. He was an artist who could paint portraits of people. I remember him drawing this lion when I was little and it made me appreciate the animal in all its strength. He was an athlete State champion wrestler, basketball., footballl etc he was good at it all and just because I was a girl he did not care we would wrestle since I could remember and he WOULD NOT LET ME WIN LOL. I would cheat and he would crack up and WHAM put me in some hold that i had to use my little girl voice to get out of. he was my Superman. He could make a guitar sing, he preached the Word of God passionately watching him speak was some of my best memories because he transformed into Elder Lee. he would make his voice higher and lower for emphasis. As well as use his passion as an athlete with spins and jumping off the stairs. He was amazing to watch. He was the Daddy who would sing to me, coach me in basketball, hold me when I cried, laugh when I sounded like my mom as he would say. He loved me for me unconditionally. he loved all of his 9 children and respected their individuality. I will miss him...I miss you

Letter to my Daddy

I miss your laughter

The way you never called me by my given name

The way you made life so simple when we talked

The way you saw the rainbow even when there was rain

Right now I can’t imagine a life without you

But I find comfort in that you are free

You came back to us and to God

And your reward to live with Him Eternally

You simply transported for this life to the next

So the tears I shed are for me

For not feeling you in the present

Or being able hug my daddy

To not see those eyes that lit up a room

Or hear you make your guitar sing

But I understand Gods Will

So the saints will be celebrating

Another soldier has fought a good fight

You have finished this journeys end

Live Eternally in Love

The best daddy in the World and friend

-Lanora (Sugar Pops, Yvonno)

Welcome the my blog

It's not for everybody. Really it's for me as a form of expression because life is so much like a book. I have to recognize the power of the chapters so maybe thats how it will be written. Chapter 1 Daddy