Saturday, October 23, 2010

Chapter 3 Outside the box

Some people that are edgy are considered outcast for not being in the bo but edginess opens minds, broadens cultures, being edgy is how new inventions comes about and how Presidents become great, Greatness does not lie in being everyday normal or in the box it lies in us sometimes doing those things that may seem unconventional or what people would think as strange. People become better by marketing what their character has manifested. It is a gift to be unique which is why everyones fingerprints are different. We are all a different make or model. We all having something to offer and I could only imagine the things life would offer. I see day to day how people try to emulate another person but that product has already came out you cannot become a carbon copy. We borrow from our gene pool naturally but no matter how much you look like your momma or daddy or your aunt/uncle etc you are not them you are forever you. Forever beautiful.

We are part of one race human within lies different cultures who believe indifferent Gods, different trends, different ways of eating living etc. It makes a different piece to each puzzle fit beautifully until it transforms into this beautiful mosaic piece of art. You never question the pieces of art looking at the paint on it telling red to become blue. Red is red for a reason it like everything else has its own message, it's own purpose. While questioning other colors we have instead think of our own piece of the puzzle. What are we bringing to the table? We are creating a mosaic of life. We are constantly changing and evolving if we allow people to just be and worry more about ourselves. I never really thought of people like a melting pot but more like a salad where we bring different flavors and textures and when combines its a delicious treat. I mean who just wants a bowl of lettuce? It time we learn to not only embrace or differences but live our lives to the fullest and in the trueness of who we are.