Sunday, October 24, 2010

Chapter 4 No Where to Hide

People are always looking for a place to hide. It reminds me of being a kid and knowing you did something wrong, crawling in the space you knew your momma could not find you. The difference now is that we are grown and adults and there is no reason to hide.

There are many places we think people may not be able to see the real us. People hide behind a persona, God, others, while all the time it is a waste because the truth of who you are always comes out. This is not to be a bad thing and shouldn't be shunned but it happens a lot. people look at you funny like it really affects them what you do. The truth is it does. They wish they had the courage to be themselves or the opportunity. They wish that they could take the mask off of day to day and live in the beauty of their own creation. See when you are yourself, you shine. You may not see it but others do. They see the peace and they want the peace. They see you glow and they want that glow. It is like a woman who is unhappy in her marriage for some reason that is always the one that wants everybody married. Its her misery and misery loves company.

Living a lie is slavery. You are bound to a lie and you have to cover that lie with more lies. You dress that lie, you eat that lie you sleep that lie and the next day it starts all over again. Breaking free and being first honest with yourself of who you are secondly treasuring that gem is the first step to freedom and only then can you exhale.