Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Looking into the Darkness

“Your willingness to look at your darkness is what empowers you to change.”
Iyanla Vanzant.

The journey that have been on to many truths. It has torn down a lot of beliefs I had which is not a bad thing because truth is truth. I realized people are selfish from all the BS that has been brought to me while morning my father without one person asking "How are you?" but yet bringing me bull and this applies to people in general. But then I have seen a sweet side from people who are complete strangers or associates that sent me a word or a hug and that has shown me HUMANkind.

So as I begin this journey I decided to look inside my soul and get acquainted with me. I looked my fears face on and decided to be courageous. I realized manyt hings I didn't do was because other people said I couldn't or because they wanted to mold me and the truth is I allowed it because I did not have confidence in myself enough to say no. That was when I was younger now as an adult, full grown woman I find myself hungry to do those things and I am going to go for them all no matter how silly they sound because I CAN. Without motive I must move forward and develop the passion inside me for many things. Things can be beautiful when you allow them to be. We were all create with beauty inside of us and if we would just sit back and shine naturally the world would be amazing and people would learn to be kind and respect life.