Thursday, November 18, 2010

Its time to move forward

In my quest of self and rebuilding I have found peace. I think at first after my dad died I was hurt because people did not call come by nothing well at least church people didn't and really neither did fam besides my brothers and sisters mom ofcourse and a few mentionables. I found myself questioning peoples I love you, I wasn't shocked though and now it is ok. I discovered true love and wrapped myself so tight in that the fact of who wasn't calling got deleted from my mind and replaced with the ones that were. It no longer matters because I am at peace.

My Daddy was very special to me. I was his shadow as a kid even when he drove a taxi. I was small about 3 or 4 when we picked up Kool and the Gang not knowing who they were but that they looked cool and loved to pinch my cheeks, my Dad tucked me in every night, Hugged me all the time and always said I love you. I am carrying that inside of me. His teachings, his love, his laughter is all inside of me. In fact we have the same exact birthmark except mines was on my arm and bigger while his was on his leg. I loved him dearly..correction I love him dearly. I will miss him and no I will never stop speaking his name. Herndon Obediah are loved and missed.