Saturday, October 23, 2010

Chapter 1 Daddy

I lost my Daddy or Diddy as I called him unexpectedly. It's been over a month but whatever ventures I start will start with a tribute to him. He was a Daddy to me even more than that a example of a man. There are many complexities that made him truly beautiful. He was an artist who could paint portraits of people. I remember him drawing this lion when I was little and it made me appreciate the animal in all its strength. He was an athlete State champion wrestler, basketball., footballl etc he was good at it all and just because I was a girl he did not care we would wrestle since I could remember and he WOULD NOT LET ME WIN LOL. I would cheat and he would crack up and WHAM put me in some hold that i had to use my little girl voice to get out of. he was my Superman. He could make a guitar sing, he preached the Word of God passionately watching him speak was some of my best memories because he transformed into Elder Lee. he would make his voice higher and lower for emphasis. As well as use his passion as an athlete with spins and jumping off the stairs. He was amazing to watch. He was the Daddy who would sing to me, coach me in basketball, hold me when I cried, laugh when I sounded like my mom as he would say. He loved me for me unconditionally. he loved all of his 9 children and respected their individuality. I will miss him...I miss you

Letter to my Daddy

I miss your laughter

The way you never called me by my given name

The way you made life so simple when we talked

The way you saw the rainbow even when there was rain

Right now I can’t imagine a life without you

But I find comfort in that you are free

You came back to us and to God

And your reward to live with Him Eternally

You simply transported for this life to the next

So the tears I shed are for me

For not feeling you in the present

Or being able hug my daddy

To not see those eyes that lit up a room

Or hear you make your guitar sing

But I understand Gods Will

So the saints will be celebrating

Another soldier has fought a good fight

You have finished this journeys end

Live Eternally in Love

The best daddy in the World and friend

-Lanora (Sugar Pops, Yvonno)