Saturday, December 18, 2010

Just got my daughter on my mind

It has been an experience to say the least raising a daughter. She is in that tween stage basically and I see how interesting this can be. When she was born she had to fight to survive, she had to use her stubbornness to be born into this world, she came into the world dramatic and that carries on until this day.

Many times I watch her sleep and the responsibility for raising a person that you want to make a contribution to this world and not take away from it is overwhelming but welcomed. I love her spirit she;s fiesty and knows who she is and what she wants..the downsize to that is she will say whatever she feels which can be good and bad. She is a flower child yet fashionista. She looks at life from the perspective of it being so open to possibilities. At this age she is already fussing about Congress and the humanitarian or lack of humanitarian efforts. Injustices piss her off lol.

I love that I have been blessed to have a daughter like her, It can be challenging but she is awesome.