Saturday, October 23, 2010

Chapter 2 10.10.10 Vows for Life

10.10.10 turned out to be beautiful. With the loss of my father on September 21st I was not sure if I was going to get through the day. Truth is I cried the night before as I packed his Bible in my bag to take with me. I pulled out something of his a wrapped myself in it to feel close to him and I cried a lot. I talked to him, I talked to God.

That day i woke up to the sun peaking through the window I left the house and the colors of fall were vibrant reds and yellow. The trees swayed and it looked like the most beautiful day I had seen in a long time. My sis Rachel took me to where we would say our vows and I walked into the place were I knew we would stand took a deep breath and peace surrounded me. I didn't miss my dad because I felt him there in the same way as when I saw my sisters walk in. There was no question because I could feel him through the place.

When the time came and my mom took my hand to walk down the aisle and I heard the drums playing (Thank you Ron Hope) I felt excitement to just see my best friend at the end of the aisle waiting for me. I stood at the top of the aisle seeing our family in every way blood or not blood but yet fam and I smiled more than I had in at least two months. You could feel the love throughout the place and I just was like a sponge taking it all in. Finally my grooms eyes meet mine and I see those dimples I hear my mom give me away and feel my dad nodding in agreement. We walk up the stairs and we take each others hands and thats when that feeling began. Its like having permenant butterflies or a fusion of spirits. I looked into his eyes and we spoke with every gesture no words but hey he had been my best friend for over 20 years so ofcourse we could read one another. There were many element incorporated the screamed us. it was what a wedding is suppose to be and on your terms how you express that.

When we were pronounced man and wife I lost people being in the room and only felt my husbands lips and him holding me I felt safe and like we were the only two people in that time space. I looked down later to see our children smiling and happy and it just made it all the more special.

I am thankful to my fam for getting me through that day and bring love. Love heals wounds, Love makes you strong and I couldn't have done it without your help. MOM YOU ARE THE GREATEST, my sisters Candy Dani, Dee, Rachel Your support makes me cry happy tears, Damien you stepped in for daddy without even knowing it by handling business and making sure things were ok.Brian you came late I know the Army had you on lockdown thank you for the effort. My high school friends and middle school Adrian Aaron and all CRACK me up. Daimons fam I love you all and am proud to be a Johnson. Thank you for just supporting Daimon which you all have always done anyway, Just thanks everyone. Thank God definitely Thank God.

Thank you Daddy for so much. Thank you for my cool. I am honored to be Herndon Lee's daughter. I know I have the STRONGEST angel watching over us all.

I still am healing but we will celebrate more soon as I can catch my breath in probably 6 months and you all better come through I love you all if I didn't mention you charge it to my head and not my heart because I am still overwhelmed in a good way and in awe.

And thank you for all the Congrats and well wishes

Photo by J Adams Photography

Our invitation read from one of my favorite authors and it still makes me tear up

Then you rose into my life like a promised sunrise. Brightening my days with the light in our eyes. I've never been so strong. Now I'm where I belong.

-Maya Angelou