Monday, November 29, 2010

Why people do not see God

People often wonder why there are people who do not believe in God. Maybe it is because they do not see the God in the people claiming Him. Maybe if the churches done more than just stayed to themselves or been involved in their communities. Maybe if the churches actually not only prayed but helped them in this life people would see spirituality and not religion only. Maybe if the sermons weren't focused on clothing but whats inside. If the focus was on God people would see God for themselves.
I know for myself there is a God but as I am getting older and going through I am failing to see the true purpose of the church when it seems to simply assimilate minds into focusing on the wrong things. Praying is great but it is not the only action. God gave us so many things and tools. God is LOVE. Love does not hurt.
Religion vs Spirituality is something people fail to distinguish. Beyond Sunday School and the big hats you have to start to actually do. Something inside is transformed. You begin to LOVE. In Gods Image we are to LOVE one another. Love is not just a word it is an action. I see people going through pain and where is the church..busy teaching about the end times but not bearing the fruit. Its all bark.
This is not ALL churches but majority yes.