Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Womans Worth

Sometimes we ignore the big picture to busy playing Queen Bee to realize we are all Queens.  Life pits us against each other in hopes of taking away our power.  As a individual we are strong, as a collective we are a force.  We have multi tasking built into our system. We are the first teachers.  We love hard, we cry hard.  We live passionately. 

We have to stop the attacks on our sisters and instead look toward elevating and building and ooo what a sight I can see if we would just STOP.  Rolling eyes, smacking lips at one another as if to tell the other you are on defense and why.  Defense because something within say you are not enough, when you are.  You are golden a treasure a star.  You are created beautifully and perfectly. Love you, love your body and soon you will not feel that negative energy that makes you roll your eyes because your eyes are open wide.

In closing understand this is not a sermon I am speaking to me.  it touched my spirit and I wanted to pass it on. Love life.  Live as if it is the last day and ladies dance like no one is watching because you are fabulous.
