Friday, March 4, 2011

Quite simple the complexity of self

To make it quite simple the complexity of self has taken over my thoughts. When I loss my angels something inside me began to question my place. My mind began to question when I would stop helping everyone elses dreams and focus on my own for awhile. My Dads death was sudden and we always say tomorrow is not promised but if we believed that would we waste time. Would we embrace negativity and feed into it. Would we live in group think and take cues from what the media says is so when in our hearts we have built in maps, we just have to listen to our spirit? Would we waste time with people we know are not right even when they claim to be sitting in churches with leaders that bare no fruit? Would social medias be important if we actually took time out to actually be with the ones we loved? Would we wait for someone else to do what we could do ourselves? Would disrespect be the poison of society? Just something to think about

For me I have begun a journey to live as if it is my last breath. I want to leave my daughter with more than memories I want to leave her with an example. I want to soar. I want to take the shackles of the I can't and burn them. I want o move forward without preconceived ideas being ghosts in my head. I have educated myself for this reason. More than anything I have a purpose, we all do and it has no choice but to flourish because you are nurturing it. It is your fingerprint. I am moving forward.

I am not the same. My eyes have seen my Daddy who was my friend and gave me life laying in eternal sleep. Your view on the World is forever changed. Good or bad is not the issue the issue is what now? The great thing is that answer has been in me all along it took me being broke down and my heart cleansed with my tears to see it. There is no stopping us now.