Thursday, March 31, 2011

My issue with Social Networks...the punks get courage

Hello Ms. Jenkins! Mmm, mm, mm. That's one fine woman there. Yes sir. Better NO one say nothin' bad about Ms. Jenkins. Uh-uh. Coarse her breath smells so bad it could singe your nose hairs. But I ain't one to gossip, so you didn't hear that from me.
People hide behind the internet, they turn brand new and show their ugly habits. Some just don't right mean to others with no cause except maybe it makes them feel better. Why do I want to have a rocking chair conversation about any celebs outfits, drug problems, dog, ex wives, when they shit?  They are still human talented or lucky in the arts.  I am too busy trying to get mines. Then there is the ones who don't like nobody and feed negativity constantly every status. i mean have a bad day, have a moment but why can't we be KIND.  We are humanKIND and these days it is hard enough for all of us to have to listen to and celebrate other people downfalls. It is misplaced energy.

I do LOVE the inspirational and the soldiers of social networks that enlighten my mind to new things.  I shouldn't feel worse after reading my wall but sometimes i most certainly do.

Life is tooo short so lets just be better people.  it can only elevate us and elevating ourselves is doing our part in the whole connection of things. We are only pieces to the puzzle.