Tuesday, April 12, 2011

May be its the rain I don't know

Mood wise not a good day.  I went to the gym (YAY).  Sometimes I think I am just impatient. i see things lining up the way they should and I am the one wondering "Are we there yet?" I miss my Dad today no rhyme or reason just miss his presence I have never been away from him this long and it is setting in that I have to get use to this.  I worry about my daughter because she is an art head and being tortured by the self proclaimed Princess crew in school.  She isn't happy therefore I am concerned.  She can in fact handle her own and I know I can't bubble wrap the girl...I so would but I just want her to be ok.  I do not send her to school to be miserable but with a month and a half of school left to go we will just have to ride it out.  She will be ok i am sure it is just on top of my other worries. I think I am going to go home and do some meditation and prayer and hopefully my spirit feels better because right now my balance is off.