Thursday, April 7, 2011

Just me. Raw me.

Just me. Raw me. Thats how I feel should be an everyday thing but its not.  I play many roles in this life and wear different hats and sometimes it can be overwhelming but I put it into perspective.  My job as a MOM is my most important role. To make sure my son and daughter are raised to contribute to society in the way they choose.  I am a lioness when it comes to my babies I don't play and love them dearly.  Sometimes we as women lose ourselves in that and I refuse.  They are a part of my journey but there are many roads as a woman I am still exploring.  I am still growing, my mind expanding and I am hungry for more.  I am on a quest to stay happy. Happy mommy creates a happy home.  So i am setting up myself and on my quest to be a better me.  I am starting within.  I hit the dreaded gym, I am eating healthier, drinking more water.  next my spirituality needs an inventory my faith has been shook with the losses I have suffered and the things I have seen. The disappointments which none of them I can blame on was man or natural reasons. I need to deal with that. You spirituality is just that yours.  I am progressing though that to me makes me smile


dawes88 said...

it sounds like u have all ur priorities in order. the gym doesn't have to be bad though, sometimes a work out buddy makes it more enjoyable