Monday, April 18, 2011

Portraying African Americans as monkeys surely isn't rascist

A California Republican party official who sent out an e-mail of President Obama's face super-imposed onto a chimp says she's sorry, but insists she wasn't trying to be racist.
Marilyn Davenport, an elected member of the Orange County Republican central committee, sent the e-mail on Friday. The "family photo" features the commander-in-chief as a baby chimpanzee with two chimp parents.
Along with the offensive image was the tagline "Now you know why -- No birth certificate."
The supposed gag refers to the belief by so-called "birthers," who insist - even after the White House released a digitally scanned image of his Hawaii birth certificate in 2008 - that Obama wasn't born in the U.S. and is ineligible to be president.
Davenport admitted to passing it around to her "friends and acquaintances," reported the Orange County Weekly.
The Tea Party activist then offered up a half-hearted apology.
"I'm sorry if my email offended anyone," she wrote, according to the OC Weekly. "I simply found it amusing regarding the character of Obama and all the questions surrounding his origin of birth."
Davenport wrote she hadn't considered that Obama is "half black."
"In fact, the thought never entered my mind until one or two other people tried to make this about race," she wrote.
The GOP committeewoman then blamed the "media" for trying to make a big deal out of the racist e-mail, insisting that the "average person knows and agrees is much ado about nothing."
Davenport has since sought to hunt down the "cowardly" person who leaked the e-mail, said Republican Party of Orange County chairman Scott Baugh, who was one of the original people who received the "highly inappropriate" Obama e-mail.
"It's a despicable message, it drips with racism and I think she should step down from the committee," he said.
Davenport, however, has already refused to quit.
"I will NOT resign my central committee position over this matter," she wrote to the OC Weekly."I have never seen anything like this before from an elected official," Michael Schroeder, former chairman of the California GOP Party, told CBS 2 News in Los Angeles. "It's stunning."He noted that in 2009 the former Republican mayor of Los Alamitos, Dean Grose, e-mailed a photo showing a watermelon patch in front of the White House last year, Davenport defended him. She also backed former Newport Beach City Councilman Dick Nichols for making an offensive remark about Mexicans."She has managed to top both of those incidents by comparing African Americans to monkeys," Schroeder told the OC Weekly on Saturday. "She has disgraced herself and needs to resign."
In March 2010, Tennessee Hospitality Association CEO Walt Baker was fired after forwarding a joke via e-mail equating First Lady Michelle Obama to Cheeta, Tarzan's chimpanzee sidekick.

Note to all those who disagree portraying black people as monkeys and might just be considered racist as well as saying the  word nigga.  Yeah I am sure people think its ok ..well "you people " do it all the you can't.  Well u can if you like but just be real on why you feel the need and why it sound so good on your tongue. This line "Davenport wrote she hadn't considered that Obama is "half black." Really? now shes blind and has amnesia.  You know what, I am not surprised but I am tired of the cowardly apologies when you know what you did.  Its sad that people apologize only when it might effect their pockets *cough cough Ashley Judd.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

TIRED | Beyonce, Chrisette Michele, Ciara, Keyshia Cole, Monica, Mya & A...

May be its the rain I don't know

Mood wise not a good day.  I went to the gym (YAY).  Sometimes I think I am just impatient. i see things lining up the way they should and I am the one wondering "Are we there yet?" I miss my Dad today no rhyme or reason just miss his presence I have never been away from him this long and it is setting in that I have to get use to this.  I worry about my daughter because she is an art head and being tortured by the self proclaimed Princess crew in school.  She isn't happy therefore I am concerned.  She can in fact handle her own and I know I can't bubble wrap the girl...I so would but I just want her to be ok.  I do not send her to school to be miserable but with a month and a half of school left to go we will just have to ride it out.  She will be ok i am sure it is just on top of my other worries. I think I am going to go home and do some meditation and prayer and hopefully my spirit feels better because right now my balance is off. 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Take off to live

Life comes at us fast children, jobs, other activities and we get lost on taking time to actually live and be free. Time to do something that feeds our spirit and so we walk around feeling hungry.  You have to be the one to schedule in a time to live.  Not saying all the rest is not important it so is but because of those wonderful things you owe yourself time to become a better you, to reach those goals, to tackle your dreams.  You owe yourself to be wonderfully you. To be the design you were created to be. You owe yourself time to spread those wings and soar.  In all of lfe do not forget who you are.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Just me. Raw me.

Just me. Raw me. Thats how I feel should be an everyday thing but its not.  I play many roles in this life and wear different hats and sometimes it can be overwhelming but I put it into perspective.  My job as a MOM is my most important role. To make sure my son and daughter are raised to contribute to society in the way they choose.  I am a lioness when it comes to my babies I don't play and love them dearly.  Sometimes we as women lose ourselves in that and I refuse.  They are a part of my journey but there are many roads as a woman I am still exploring.  I am still growing, my mind expanding and I am hungry for more.  I am on a quest to stay happy. Happy mommy creates a happy home.  So i am setting up myself and on my quest to be a better me.  I am starting within.  I hit the dreaded gym, I am eating healthier, drinking more water.  next my spirituality needs an inventory my faith has been shook with the losses I have suffered and the things I have seen. The disappointments which none of them I can blame on was man or natural reasons. I need to deal with that. You spirituality is just that yours.  I am progressing though that to me makes me smile

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My new health kick

Started this for my diabetes I also am hitting the gym today WOOHOOO. 
On my way to healthy living

Monday, April 4, 2011

Happy 83rd birthday Dr.Maya Angleou

This  is one of my biggest sheros so i had to say Happy Birthday Dr. Maya Angelou.  She has comforted me, motivated me made me laugh with her words. her understanding of life is like she has been here before a million times and she is a Master Teacher.  So today I thought I would share my favorite quotes poems etc from her.

At the end of the day people won’t remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel 

We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated 

A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song 

"I am grateful to have been loved and to be loved now and to be able to love, because that liberates. Love liberates. It doesn't just hold—that's ego. Love liberates. It doesn't bind. Love says, 'I love you. I love you if you're in China. I love you if you're across town. I love you if you're in Harlem. I love you. I would like to be near you. I'd like to have your arms around me. I'd like to hear your voice in my ear. But that's not possible now, so I love you. Go.'" — Dr. Maya Angelou

/ Prepare yourself so that you can be a rainbow in someone else's cloud./
—Maya Angelou
Words are things, I'm convinced. They get in your wallpaper. They get in your rugs, in your upholstery, in your clothes, and finally, into you./